

Dear Readers, Our Website is not a government website https://www.bkgujarat.com/ is purely for the information purpose. The website wish to update the people with the latest information of the schemes, rules, old and new notifications and regulations of the government. The information is provided from the sources like official websites and some private resources as well.

www.bkgujarat.com  the aim is to provide perfect and authentic information in Gujarati Language (Local Language) and English. We never wish to confuse the visitors. But an error is human, if you find any mistakes, kindly contact us on bhamarabhai1432@gmail.com  We assure to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

https://www.bkgujarat.com/   we are strict about the privacy of the website visitors. We do not will not publically publish or share personal information of the visitors.

This (https://www.bkgujarat.com/ ) Website is made for the purpose of provide facility of information to people for government schemes. It is not possible to respond all the comments. We request you to visit official websites of the concern departments for more details and clarifications.

We do not register or ask any kinds of fees for any inquiry, Please contact  bhamarabhai1432@gmail.com

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